How does the service work?
My Home Hospital brings acute care to patients through a combination of doctors, nurses, allied health practitioners, imaging and blood tests, medication and other support services such as meals and personal care, if necessary.
Our teams work in collaboration each day to manage patients, with tests, appointments, and transport organised by the intake officer team where required. Patients can be seen multiple times a day in line with their care plan.
My Home Hospital uses remote monitoring technology that allows our nurses and doctors to stay in touch with our patients in their homes at any time, to review their pulse, temperature, and blood pressure.
This remote monitoring technology offers referrers and patients peace of mind, knowing that we can immediately identify any concerns with a patient’s results, and respond as needed.
In partnership with SA Health we engaged extensively with hospital and community clinicians to co-design My Home Hospital. Co-design is an ongoing process, and SA Health and the Calvary Amplar Health Joint Venture are committed to engaging with clinicians and consumers as My Home Hospital evolves.